Wednesday, June 3, 2015

"It's not because things are difficult that we dare not venture; its because we dare not venture that they are difficult" - Seneca

I think when most people (myself included) envision life in other countries, we imagine adventure. Travel. We don't envision doing the same mundane things we do back home. But the reality is I spend most of my time in an office, sitting in front of my laptop. In fact, my daily routine here looks startlingly like my daily routine back home. I wake up (usually later than I mean to), make coffee, take a shower, get ready, go to work, sit in front of a computer for eight hours, come home, cook dinner, think about (but end up putting off) going for a run, hang out with roommates, and go to bed. The one difference is that I am watching way less tv here than I do in the States (I blame the Roomate for the copious amounts of tv I watch back home). Which is not to say that I don't watch much tv.

In any case... I am just always struck by how normal life is everywhere in the world. I know I shouldn't be. I know it's probably a little ethnocentric of me to somehow think that my routine is drastically different from the morning routines of Palestine, or Iraq, or Prague. But I am always a little surprised to find that mundane routines are the most universal thing. Life here is no more an adventure than life in the States. Which is to say, I suppose, that life is an adventure no matter where you are. I just happen to like it here.

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